SK Doctoroff Counseling and Therapy in Southfield Michigan

Archive for December, 2013


Holidays To Remember

The holiday season has started and for some, this is a time to rejoice, to be with family and/or to see friends who are in from out of town. Maybe this is a time when an adult can look back at their childhood and relish in the giddiness they had while opening gifts, lighting candles or singing songs.

The holiday season can bring on other memories which could include the anniversary of the death of a loved one, the time when one decided that divorce was imminent or when a child moved away to a new state.  The feelings of gloom, sadness, or darkness may have been a surprise or one may have been slowly feeling them come on from the beginning of one holiday into the next.

Some allow these feelings to take over as they know from years past that this is short lived. After the New Year, the emotions of happiness and peacefulness come back. Others don’t find it as easy to release themselves of their sadness/darkness.

Everyone is different as some really don’t want to feel the unhappiness anymore and they get to a point when they have had enough sadness. At that point, they may try to find a way to remember the good things allowing themselves to change their way of thinking. 

Imagine giving yourself the freedom to think differently. What would it be like if this year you embraced the holiday your loved one enjoyed?  If you allowed yourself to live in the moment of the holiday?  If you allowed yourself to reach into the times when holidays were enjoyable? In the end, what is the worst thing that will happen if you gave yourself the chance to take pleasure during these times?

Remember that Cognitive Behavioral therapy helps when one wants to change their current thought pattern.  If you are a person who feels the holiday blues, give yourself the gift of therapy so that you can learn to enjoy this time with those you love.
