About Me
Stacy K Doctoroff MA LPC NCC

Persistent feelings of anxiety and dissatisfaction are often signals — signals that we have entered new and challenging phases of our lives. As a counselor, my primary goal is to explore with you how to best achieve contentment and a strong sense of self, to help equip you with the tools you may need to journey from a psychologically dark and threatening place to one where there is more peace and happiness.
How will I do this when we meet? I will listen. I will ask some questions so that we can both better understand. I will remember what you have told me. I will look for patterns in the behavior you describe and the words you say. I will encourage you to recognize those patterns and discover how they may impact your decisions and thought processes.
What will I not do when we meet? I will not judge. I will never allow my office to be anything other than a sanctuary, a place where you feel comfortable and safe. I will not disregard what is important to you.
I think my clients find me to be warm, empathetic and insightful. They call me when they endure grief and loss, when they feel disconnected from the world in which they know they can thrive, when they suspect they may be ignored and misunderstood by the people closest and most important to them. I believe that, when our sessions end, my clients find themselves on sounder footings, more sure of the ways forward.
If you think that your talking with me might be helpful, I would be so happy to meet you.
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